How Did You Learn About Sex? Who Told You?

Jun 08, 2022

Were you like me, and didn’t ever receive proper sex education through school or from your parents / guardians? For me, sex was learned through the media and through pornography, which created false realities and expectations of what sex should be or should look like. Because of this experience, I faced a lot of issues around performance anxiety, appearance anxiety, and unnecessary stress around what sex should be. Once I realized that it doesn't matter what you look or sound like and that sex should strictly just be pleasure-focused, I was able to let go of all those internalized messages stemming from improper sex education. 


If you want to experience sexuality education from a pleasure-centered, realistic, and non-shaming platform, Zillennial is the place for you. At Zillennial, we aim to provide comprehensive sex education that wasn’t taught to us in schools or by our families. We want to break out of societal norms, challenge sexual myths and beliefs, and find our most authentic sexual selves so we can show up for our sexuality in the most self-compassionate kind of way. Finding your own sexuality should be liberating, not shame-inducing.

      -Taylor Spaziani

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